8 research outputs found

    Visual Localisation of Mobile Devices in an Indoor Environment under Network Delay Conditions

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    Current progresses in home automation and service robotic environment have highlighted the need to develop interoperability mechanisms that allow a standard communication between the two systems. During the development of the DHCompliant protocol, the problem of locating mobile devices in an indoor environment has been investigated. The communication of the device with the location service has been carried out to study the time delay that web services offer in front of the sockets. The importance of obtaining data from real-time location systems portends that a basic tool for interoperability, such as web services, can be ineffective in this scenario because of the delays added in the invocation of services. This paper is focused on introducing a web service to resolve a coordinates request without any significant delay in comparison with the sockets

    Factores epigenéticos de la neuroplasticidad: Un enfoque basado en la minería de textos

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    En el presente trabajo se aplica la minería de textos para identificar los factores epigenéticos de la neuroplasticidad. Para ello se ha obtenido un corpus de abstracts inicial de PubMed y aplicado una metodología de minería de textos biomédicos, combinada con el paquete pubmed.mineR, que permite extraer información relevante de genes, enfermedades y términos asociados. Posteriormente, se han obtenido redes de asociación entre genes, epigenética, neuroplasticidad y enfermedades vinculadas. Finalmente se extrae la estructura topológica de tales redes y se analiza con CytoScape.In the present work, text mining is applied for identifying epigenetic factors of neuroplasticity. Firstly, an initial PubMed abstract corpus was obtained and a biomedical text mining methodology was applied using the pubmed.mineR software package. This approach allows to identify relevant information from genes, diseases and associated terms. Subsequently, association networks between genes, epigenetics, neuroplasticity and linked diseases have been analyzed. Finally, the topological structure of the networks is presented using CytoScape.En el present treball s'aplica la mineria de textos per identificar els factors epigenètics de la neuroplasticitat. Per a això s'ha obtingut un corpus de abstracts inicial de PubMed i aplicat una metodologia de mineria de textos biomèdics, combinada amb el paquet pubmed.mineR, que permet extreure informació rellevant de gens, malalties i termes associats. Posteriorment, s'han obtingut xarxes d'associació entre gens, epigenètica, neuroplasticitat i malalties vinculades. Finalment s'extreu l'estructura topològica de tals xarxes i s'analitza amb CytoScape